
::ocean park with friends::

數數手指都好幾年冇去海洋公園,今次可以約到成十幾個朋友仔一齊去真係好難得,同Disneyland比海洋公園比我地lee班年紀既感情真係多好多,(吊車,海洋劇場,星際蜘蛛lee d名都係由細聽到大)今次都係我同mabel拍拖之後第一次去,梗係要同佢影返d相啦,如果唔係下次去玩佢唔比我帶相機! ^.^ full set photos

2 則留言:

retep 說...

duck, remember we went to ocean park when we were "form 1 jai"?! is it in the year of 1986? u still have the photo? why don't you scan the photos and let see if the others can guess who is who...?! haha... must be fun!!! >.<"

3•29mabel:tak 說...

wow!21年前既事...........梗係記得啦,但係d相就.......無謂post la!XDDDD我驚嚇親人!!hahahahahaha!您果時好瘦我個咀好紅....時間過得真快!!