

peter係我同mabel識左廿年既好朋友,我地結婚當然第一時間就話佢知啦,佢會係我地既伴郎加MC(好忙咁喎),早幾星期就襯佢上黎就傾下我地個婚禮idea。good show!! Yeah!!

2 則留言:

retep 說...

first of all, i'd like to say congratulations! really don't know what to say and really speachless... it's my pleasure to witness my 2 best friends getting married... this feeling is really "speachless". i'm so glad to be part of your wedding! i'm defintely will not say "simple & grand" wedding... (u know what i'm talking about >.<"). anyway, look forward to 3292008 and i wish you guys happy forever!!

3•29mabel:tak 說...
