
:Honey Moon PartII:

:our time has come:
「our 930」(請按此)
「our life」(請按此)
「our jobs」(請按此)

4 則留言:

匿名 說...

講真, 我真係覺得你影d相好靚.

你可唔可以send d你無執o既相比我compare下個分別呢?

匿名 說...


如果send d 未執0既相比你的話....應該係compare我0既before & after...hahaha~

retep 說...

so beautiful... again, i always like mabel under your camera or shall i say under your "photoshop"?! i love the one that mabel sit on the bench and the last one a lot!

dm 說...
