

:our time has come:
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4 則留言:

匿名 說...

有少少遺憾,參加唔到你地呢個咁用心去籌備, 咁別樹一格既wedding banquet, 齋睇片已覺得好特別, 我想講既係...

鍾小學同學, 記得小學五年班認識你, 真係估唔到你可以咁型仔, 可以跳舞, 鍾太真係有一手 haha

祝白頭到老, 永結同心, .... (下刪一萬字)

匿名 說...

congratulations! i do not know you, mabel & tak... but since i found out your website from WPJA... i've been visiting your blogs... (hope you do not mind...)

i admire what two of you have done for your wedding! everything is so unique, the wedding pictures, the outfit, the dance, the invitations and the video!!! i totally understand how much work it is to prepare a wedding, but you two put in extra extra heart and effort to make yours the most special one! this is very very admirable!!!

my best wishes to you two! may your life filled with love and happiness always!

dm 說...

多謝您呀!irene~~我地真係放左好多心機落去!!遲d post返d相比您地睇~

dm 說...

Hi cc leung

多謝您既祝福!!我地真係放左好多心機落去,多謝您既欣賞!thx so much!